Published On: Tue, Apr 9th, 2013

Moroccan Female Engineering Students Invest in Natural Herbs


By Mohamed Amine Qasserras

Morocco News Tribune

Rabat, Morocco | Within the framework of Ecole Mohammadia d’ingénieurs‘s activities (Mohammadia Engineering School), a group of engineering students have taken the initiative to contribute to enhancing and development of some micro enterprises related to women, reported by the Saudi magazine sayidati which cares for Arab women issues

The initiative belongs to a group of EMI female students who all supported and brought “Aavolka” project into being.

Aavolka”, a Tamazight name for the enterprise which means beauty, was interstitially created by a university graduate named Khadija who had lived some years of unemployment.

Kadija decided to set up her enterprise taking advantage of her mother and grandmother’s experience in traditional aesthetics and beauty in the beginning of the nineties.

Khadija’s project started in her house that then it has expanded gradually, encouraging her to translate before her dream into a reality in 2009 through creating women’s cooperative company to prepare recipes for natural beauty along with providing training in the field for a number of housewives,

The young engineers have adopted the project through supervising and preparing a plan for more commercialization via advertising and media.

Iman Bouayad one of the student working on the project, said as was reported by Saidati website “this is part of several initiatives that engineers students undertake to enhance their training and communication with fresh projects as well as providing support and skills to enhance their qualities,”

The students working on the project stated that Khadija’s initiative meets all the standers of quality and it is certified by official laboratories.

The students, through their supervision of the project, work on ensuring more safety procedures and high product quality as well as on looking for partnerships with international institutions to develop and promote the product to reach international productions level that respects the environment.

Iman, another project partner, showed high motivation and satisfaction in engaging in such work.

working within the field of natural herbs is a useful experience and comfortable,” she said.

The entrepreneur Khadija stated that the secret of solidarity among women is the engagement in a clean and natural environment led by the smell of herbs and fruits that make the work a real pleasure with flavor of cooperation and love.